Friday, April 12, 2013

Why Did I Choose This?

If you follow our Facebook you will know that I read and shared an article by Autism Daddy.
His most recent blog post listed 11 Benefits of Autism.
#7 is a thank you to care-takers, teachers, aids, etc.
This brings up this post. Why did I choose to work with Autistic children? Not just ASD but other severe psychological disorders? On top of the disorders they have EXTREME behavior issues.
This is probably the nicest one I have ever gotten outta my favorite student (yes I have a favorite!). She would dig her nails into your wrist..I had much worse than this and once had someone asked me if I was a cutter!

This again is from my favorite student. This is when it had partially healed. She got me in the face out of the blue (we were decreasing her med so we could clean her system out for a new med), broke my glasses and the screw of the glasses went all the way through the skin, to the bone, and out the lower cut. I actually had no idea I was bleeding profusely from my face until someone said something.
Some may ask, why is she your favorite if she is so violent? Why is your favorite not the one who just paints with poop? 
Don't get me wrong, I adore all my students. Let's call Favorite student A.
A is an AMAZING girl who just happened to have sh*tty birth parents with a side of crazy adoptive parents. She was only like this as a product of OTHER humans.
I work with them all because they deserve someone who loves them unconditionally. Someone who isn't there to give up. I signed up for getting hit in the face, getting my nose broke, being pooped on.
I CHOSE this because I want them to be able to learn to their highest ability.
I CHOSE this because they deserve someone who can keep their temper in check.
I CHOSE this because my students need a voice. A voice who will advocate for them no matter what others may think is 'right' for them.
I CHOSE this because I love seeing them achieve the smallest thing, like rinsing out their breakfast bowl.
I CHOSE this because they deserve to be treated the same as any child their age.
I CHOSE this because I love it.  

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